
So I was driving home from my parents on this late evening and found myself trending toward negative feelings about my wonderful husband. As I was driving, I felt the Lord lead me to 1 Corinthians 13 the part that says "love always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres." I share this with you not to make you think that anything is wrong, but it is easy for me begin thinking negatively on months where my husband busiest. This verse really helped me in realizing that no matter what is going on I always have to believe the best in my hubby. He's amazing and sweet and I couldn't ask for anything more, I pray that on these months where our time together is very little that I only focus on all his wonderful attributes instead of selfishly thinking about how lonely I am or what not. If I've learned anything in this last year, it's to always believe the best about my spouse. To constantly rebuke the devil when he's attacking me or tempting me...