
Showing posts from February, 2011

Homemade Wheat Thins

Way behind in the blog department, however, I have been kind of keeping up with HPOW's I just haven't posted them. Therefore, I'm back dating these to the date I actually did them. This week, I attempted wheat thins. Ingredients The dough all ready to be rolled out Waiting for the oven All Done, they look similar huh? Okay, so this recipe was fairly simple. The crackers tasted very similar to wheat thins. I do think you have to be precise when baking crackers. Supposedly these were supposed to be done in about 6 minutes. I had to back mine for about 9. Now that could be because my stove is sub par or some other variable like the thickness of the crackers themselves. Either way, at least I know they are possible and maybe I'll try again and get an even better result. Practice makes better right? Until next time ; p.

Latest Craftyness

Well, if you follow me at all you know I haven't done any of my promised projects, they may be a little clustered but I will do them so hang with me. However, I have been working on two different craft projects..The first one is a scarf I made  for my mom, I found this pattern online. Here is the finished product.      Alright so you all know that I'm trying to learn to sew well, I've recently taken a some sewing lessons from my mom and the past four weeks made this :   I don't know if you can tell but they are little monkeys, these are my monkey pj pants. I made them :) They definitely have some beginner looks to them, however; my seams are heck of a lot straighter than my previous projects, yay! I do say that next time I'll make size small, these are medium and lets just say they will definitely fit if I'm blessed with a baby belly sometime this year, lots of room, ha!  Okay, well please hang in there with me, I have to work the next couple da...