Our Awesome Birth Story
Hello All, It's taken me a while to get this written but Maggie is napping so now is my best chance :). I want to start by saying that God blessed me so immensley with the birth of our little girl. He answered every single prayer. I spent months worried about all the things that could go wrong. I wouldn't dilate. Baby wouldn't look good on the monitor. I'd get to complete and baby would be too big for me. You name it, I thought of it. WARNING: I'm a labor and delivery nurse and have basically no filter about the details of birth so please read this at your own discretion. I don't intend to offend anyone it's just so second nature to me I don't realize it. First, the plan. Tim and I had talked about how (like we could plan) we wanted the labor and birth to go. Plan was to stay home as possible and only go to the hospital at the last moment. We wanted everything natural and barring any unforseen circumstances with baby no drugs or IV. So about 4 d...