Kids Update: My Boys

Eli is exactly one month shy of 3 years old! This little boy loves life! He continues to adore Disney Cars and Lightning Mcqueen! He has about 5 Lightning Mcqueen cars and he generally has at least two in his hands and all times. He sleeps with them, bathes with them, and carries them wherever he goes. He loves to color and play with his sister. He adores being outside and while sister is the one in soccer he is the one who actually participates in it. I think we'll enroll him next fall since he'll be 3 and eligible to play. He loves to make his own decisions and I really try as his mom to make sure that I accommodate that as much as possible since kids are so powerless otherwise. He's learning to dress himself more and more and I've put him in a pull-up along with his sister just to give me a break. I do hope eventually it will lead to potty training but I also realize he's young for that so time will tell. He's struggled pretty significantly since Henry ...