
So as some of you know, I've recently been interested in getting a Nintendo 64, yes I know, old school but it has some really good games on it. Anyway, about a month ago, I started looking for one on craigslist, many were being sold but I just wasn't willing to pay 30, 40 or 50 dollars, it just seemed like too much, well, in my haste I bought one off of ebay from a guy in Florida. I just wanna say that Ebay has it's place and can be a really good resource for getting things cheap, however, it can also be a place for dishonest people to swindle people like myself. The add read, great condition, adult owned, just plug and play? Sounds great right, this guy had 100% feedback and decent selling history. So great, the auction ends and I won the 64 for 4.34, great right? Not. The guy didn't communicate with me at all, not thanks for the payment, not your item has been shipped, nothing. Which maybe I'm just picky but that bothered me for sure! Lo and behold, after 3 wks, which coming from Florida seemed a long time, anyway, I received it, totally excited, I opened it to find no cords! How am I supposed to play the thing or even know if it works without cords??? I was so angry. And so continued my search for an "affordable" nintendo 64. So after being discouraged, I said a small prayer, although silly, I really had a desire to have a nintendo 64 that I wouldn't have to pay much for.

I was at my parents yesterday and just so happened to check craigslist and to my surprise a system, cords and everything for $10, now that I can handle, supposed to meet the guy today and get it, hope it all works out :) I'm so blessed that God cares about even the little, "silly" things :) Until next time :)


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