Before Welcoming Little Ones

This is going to seem silly but, I'm making a little list of things I want to learn or do before we start our family. I have 7 things on the list so far, they are as follows:
1. Run 5K in October
2. Run 1/2 Marathon in January
3. Plant something in October-pray it grows  :)
4. Scrapbook the rest of our courting days
5. Make something from scratch once per week
6. Learn basic sewing
7. Begin Yoga

Okay, that is all I have so far, I'm sure I'll think of more but for now this is a start. I'm currently training with running three times per week, I've done yoga two weeks in a row and really like it, visit this website if you want to take yoga from a Christian perspective and for very little if any money. I'm researching the best thing to plant in October. I just bought scrapbook paper to finish scrapbooking. I'm going to go buy material to learn sewing via my mom. Lastly, I'm slowly building a list of things I want to make from scratch per week. Okay, I think that is it for now. I hope to meet all these objectives before I become a mom and I know this list will grow, this is just what I can think of so far, until next time ; P.


My list keeps growing too and I only have 7 weeks left lol. It sounds like you are really enjoying this period of your life. What will be your first sewing project?
Momma said…
Making placemats :)
Kelli Rae said…
Ok friend well our last week jam project turned out yummy!! Had it for breakfast on my whole wheat waffles!! Keep up the good work!! You Rock!!! Oh and have I told you lately how much I love you. :)

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