Late Morning Saturday Run

Today was my 3rd run for the week. Plan today was 5 min warm up, then run 2 miles without stopping. I knew this run was coming and was dreading it because I enjoy running but I often wonder about my endurance. Well the results are, I did it, ran the full 2 miles, 2.3 to be exact, running speed 6. Boy was it challenging, I'm a firm believer in how mental running is. I found myself hoping the run would be over only to be almost half through it. I had to change my thought patterns in order to make it through. But the important thing is, I did it. Also, I was able to run the 2 miles in less than 20 min, which means that I ran a 9 min 45 sec mile x2. HA! Not that I could have kept up that pace but I met this small goal for today, yay! Okay, enough for today, I have some errands to run and different bread recipe to try, until next time : p.


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