Homemaking Project of the Week (H.P.O.W.)

So, if you've read my previous posts, you'd know that one of my goals is to make something from scratch every week. I'm going to call it my HPOW, homemaking project of the week, I know it's kind of cheesy but I'm gonna go with it.

This week's homemaking project was homemade strawberry preserves. I'm not going to lie, I was very nervous about this. Mostly because I've heard that canning is pretty hard and that I need a lot more education and experience to know what I'm doing. I'm not denying that it can be hard, however; I follow a lot of homemaking blogs and multiple women have said that if you have a deep enough pot, then a canner is not necessary and all you need is to put a kitchen towel in the bottom of the deep pot so so that the jars don't hit each other when boiling.

Well having done it now, it is involved, I wouldn't say it was hard, next time I try this hopefully it won't be as nerve wracking. My mom is the only one who has tasted it and she said that it was good :)


thejacksgraze said…
I'm impressed! Looks delicious
Wow, you are ambitious! That's really impressive, it looks really tasty too!

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