Sweet Deal!

So the hubby approached me last night and said "hey, cheerios are 1.48 at frys if you buy 8" my reply was " we don't have any room for 8 more boxes of cereal." We got a previous deal at frys two weeks before, I don't remember the whole deal but we got like 20 boxes of cereal for 26 dollars or something, needless to say, all of our limited cupboard space is occupied by cereal boxes. Anyway, he said for 1.48, we'll find some place to put them  :). Upon further inspection of the ad, we saw that canned Del Monte fruit was .79 if you bought 8, we eat a lot of canned fruit and it's always so expensive. Anywho, the picture shows, 8 boxes of cheerios and 8 cans of del monte fruit and the total was 14.52, love sweet deals! Until next time.


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