Homemade Bread Anyone?

Hey! Not a running entry! So, I have a long way to go but I would love to be the wife and mom that makes things from scratch. My mom tells me that I'll start out that way but probably won't keep it up once we start having kids. I'm sure she's right but I guess there is this part of me that really wants to be uber organized and on top of things, if I can get it under control enough now and schedule it, then maybe I can keep it up even when I have little ones in toe. I can hope right? Anyway, in an effort to make more things from scratch, I borrowed my mom's bread machine and gave it a shot last night. That is another thing, I borrowed her machine to see if A. I can make bread in a bread machine, B. If it's simple enough to do on a weekly basis, and C. If someday when we hopefully have a bigger kitchen we should purchase a bread machine of our own. Okay, sorry kind of long winded.

All ingredients in, hope it works :)

Wow, Okay this new uploader is crazy, hope I get better with the pics. Anyway, the bread turned out well, I liked it and it was simple, my plan is to continue making bread weekly, I hope, until next time. I get to run in the am :)


I have the same desires, to make everything from scratch and go as natural as possible. I think it's possible it's just a lot more work!

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