Perfectionism Must Die...Starting with this Apron :)

Well, this entry is two fold. Something you need to know about me before you read it, if you don't already know, is that I am a perfectionist. I'm not your typical perfectionist though. I'm only a perfectionist with myself. My performance in life that is.

Within the last couple years, I've gotten a small grasp on God's love and grace for me and my life. Well anyway, even though my head has knowledge of God's grace, my heart only remembers occasionally. Well, I feel like God spoke to me through this apron you are about to see. On a practical note, an apron is considered an easy sewing project and since I'm trying to learn basic sewing, I went out and bought material and a pattern this week. Funny however, I opened up the pattern and my head began to spin. So I called my mom for some instruction, unfortunately, without being able to see it she couldn't help me. I thought, well gosh, I won't get to see my mom for help for another week. So, I decided to go after it. After many youtube videos, I think I figured out how to read the pattern. What do you think? It looks like an apron right?

The Finished Product

Okay, anyway, I was in the middle of sewing this yesterday and I kept getting frustrated because it wasn't perfect. Well, I believe the Lord nudged me to finish it anyway. So what if it wasn't perfect. How could I expect to make this apron perfectly when I've barely learned how to sew. I was expecting way too much of myself. So I am proud to announce, the above, and I'm stealing this from you Nicole, is my perfectly imperfect apron. Is is perfectly straight, nope. But the way I figure, the only way to learn to sew better is to practice right? That and I learned a good lesson from Yaweh! Okay all, that is it, until next time.


Kelli Rae said…
Way to go friend!!!

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