Running Week 3

Hey All,

Running was interesting this past week. Plan was as follows:
Monday stretch and strengthen, Tuesday 3.5 miles, Wednesday 2 miles, Thursday 3.5 miles, Friday rest, Saturday 40 minutes cross training and Sunday long 5 mile run.  Well, this past week I was in vacation with my wonderful in laws and my schedule didn't exactly go like this. Did stretch and strengthen Tuesday, counted walking around San Diego zoo all day as 40 minutes cross, ran 4 miles one day and 2 the other. We came home Friday so I ended up using that as a rest day. Ran 3.5 Saturday. Then, drum roll if you please....I ran 5 miles tonight! I know it's no big deal when I'm training to run 13 but still. I secretly believe that if I can run the half it will be a miracle, however; that miracle is getting closer and closer to reality. I even felt good enough at the end to keep going but decided not to push myself, it would be a huge bummer to get injured this stage in the game. Okay well, that's all for now, expect the return of HPOW's later this week. Those of you who read my blog, I need prayer, tomorrow, I have to put my cat of 15 years to sleep, this is an extremely difficult time and I appreciate any prayers. Thanks for reading, until next time.


Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your cat! I'll be praying for you!

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