Week Nine...Three Weeks To Go

Three more weeks, am I ready? Well, I can tell you, I could run the half tomorrow but I would be really slow and my time would be pitiful. Running this week went well, again 5 mile runs in the week and 8 miles long run. Being that our long runs were on Christmas this year, I with a bad attitude and all, plopped on the treadmill, hubby on the other one and we both did our long runs inside on Christmas night. I never thought the day would come where I could say I ran for one and one half hours on the treadmill but I did. Interestingly enough, I ran 8 miles and wasn't even winded. How in the world does that work? Anyway, truth be told, running 5 days a week is beginning to feel more like a chore and less enjoyable, though I am enjoying seeing my progress. I am determined to finish strong. Three more weeks!  Until next time, Merry Christmas everyone!


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