Homemade Cheese Ravioli

Hey guys,

Had some extra marinara sauce in the fridge and thought I could use it up making raviolis. Here is this weeks HPOW.

Mix ingredients, then allow to rest for 30 minutes

Roll out dough or use a pasta maker, cut into circles

Cheese mixture is just ricotta and parsley, place about 1 tsp on each

put raviolis together, use cooking spray to help stick if needed, press sides together with a fork

Carefully add to boiling water, watch closely, fresh pasta cooks fast  :)


Well, let me preface this with, my poor husband. He is my little lab rat for learning to cook. While I thought these tasted good, the hubby thought they were similar to dumplings. Next time, I will try to roll the dough out a lot thinner or use a pasta machine. Also, I think I over cooked them as they were slightly rubbery. It was my first time, I can only get better right ;) Until next time  : p.


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