Wonders of Pregnancy

Hey all,

For those of you who know me, you know I'm naturally emotional, however; pregnancy has exaggerated this x20. HA! I'm crying over ridiculous things such as a good play in football, someone winning Hell's Kitchen and simply just because. I am however; still crying at serious things so at least I'm kind of balanced.

Praise God we're 15 weeks this week, other mommies tell me things are going to get easier which I'm sure they will but they haven't yet. Oh well, I welcome it all, love this baby so much! So grateful to God for him/her. Hope you all are well. Keep your eyes peeled, if I can stay not nauseous long enough I plan to try baking bread in a crock pot, should be interesting. Until next time  ; p.


Hi Anna,
Congrats again on your precious baby! I remember being really emotional too, however the most emotional time for me came post partum. I cried at absolutely everything for no reason whatsoever. It's all a gift though, so excited to hear updates about your pregnancy. Praying it all goes well!

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