
Showing posts from December, 2011

Baby Quilts, the process and finished projects!!!

Okay all, the baby quilts are done! Yes! First off, baby girl... All the pieces laid out ( You'll notice in the final product, hubby encouraged me to switch around some animals for symmetry and I did)                                                                                                               All the pieces sewn together, ready for the borders The borders are all applied, now all that is left is to apply the backing and finish the quilt. Being that this is my first quilt. I opted to bind the quilt pillowcase style and then hand sew the small hole shut. Here it is, all finished. I used the minky fabric on the back, it is so soft and cuddly. Baby Boy Quilt: I have been...

36 Weeks!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Wow! We're 36 weeks this week. Crazy! It's hard to believe that this baby could be here within a month. Whoa, I still have so much to do, better get cracking! Baby is doing perfect as far as we know. Baby is measuring right on schedule and heartbeat always sounds good at office appointments. Newest thing, my vicious nausea is back. I'm back to eating every two hours or else I start feeling really really sick. Oh well. I'm also having bouts of heartburn. Sleeping is getting near impossible. I sleep but only in 2-3 hour increments, it's good practice right? :) People ask me if I'm miserable, I'm not. I'm uncomfortable but I'm in the final month of pregnancy. Is it supposed to be comfortable? I've never thought so. I'm very committed to not complaining about this pregnancy. Everything in this pregnancy is a gift from God and I'm so grateful for the privilege to carry this baby.

Homemade Blackberry Jam

So, Sprouts had blackberries on sale for like .97 and I couldn't pass up the chance to make my fave, blackberry jam. Observe; Cheap berries :) Wash and pick out leaves and not good berries Heat up in sauce pan, mashing as they heat When fruit begins to boil, add sugar  and pectin Take fresh hot jars, fill to line, boil in water bath for 10 minutes and tah dah, blackberry jam!! I've decided that since I enjoy making jam so much and now my family and extended family are enjoying it too, the next time I make it; I will use big jars and I need to invest in an official water bath canning pot. I'll be keeping my eyes open for one  :) Until next time ;)

Embroidery Finished!!!

Hi Everybody, So I am finally finished with the embroidery animals for the baby girl quilt. It's been quite a jaunt and I'm glad it's done. Now for putting the quilts all together! Here are some pics of all the animals. They turned out okay. I'm TRYING very hard to give myself grace with these quilts, as I've never made one before and now I'm making two. Enjoy!