Baby Quilts, the process and finished projects!!!

Okay all, the baby quilts are done! Yes!

First off, baby girl...
All the pieces laid out ( You'll notice in the final product, hubby encouraged me to switch around some animals for symmetry and I did)

                                                             All the pieces sewn together, ready for the borders

The borders are all applied, now all that is left is to apply the backing and finish the quilt. Being that this is my first quilt. I opted to bind the quilt pillowcase style and then hand sew the small hole shut.
Here it is, all finished. I used the minky fabric on the back, it is so soft and cuddly.

Baby Boy Quilt:

I have been fighting with blogger to get this below the next pic to no avail. Please know these pics are supposed to be reversed but I can't get them to. This is the finished product.

I dropped the ball on baby boy quilt,  with photos, sorry, last time you saw this it was smaller. My mom suggested I add another column of squares to which I agreed and added them. Then I added the borders.

Okay, so now both of the quilts are done. I machine quilted in them, simply stitching in the ditch around each square and around the borders. I did this for both quilts. Someday I'll put cute designs on quilts but since these were my first and I was running outta time. I decided it would be best. I love both of these quilts! Are they full of imperfections? Yes. But they are precious for our baby and you gotta learn somehow. I'm committed to giving myself grace in this area. I learned so much with these projects that can only help me down the road  :) Until next time ; p.


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