36 Weeks!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! Wow! We're 36 weeks this week. Crazy! It's hard to believe that this baby could be here within a month. Whoa, I still have so much to do, better get cracking! Baby is doing perfect as far as we know. Baby is measuring right on schedule and heartbeat always sounds good at office appointments. Newest thing, my vicious nausea is back. I'm back to eating every two hours or else I start feeling really really sick. Oh well. I'm also having bouts of heartburn. Sleeping is getting near impossible. I sleep but only in 2-3 hour increments, it's good practice right? :) People ask me if I'm miserable, I'm not. I'm uncomfortable but I'm in the final month of pregnancy. Is it supposed to be comfortable? I've never thought so. I'm very committed to not complaining about this pregnancy. Everything in this pregnancy is a gift from God and I'm so grateful for the privilege to carry this baby.


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