Two Months

Two months already! Man time is going fast. Well, I sure made this day memorable. With Maggie, reaching the 2 month mark, it's now safe to take her out and I did. Yup, I somehow managed to leave my phone on top of my car and it went flying into oncoming traffic and is now in a million pieces, oops... We did have a good day overall though. We got Maggie some clothes, so fun! Can't wait to dress her up!

Maggie does new and exciting things all the time. Her 2nd month has been quite eventful. At 5 weeks she rolled over during tummy time. She also got her first cold/cough, poor baby. At 6 weeks she started smirking. At 7 weeks she started having real tears.  :( At 8 weeks she smiles really big and daily. Warms my mommy heart, I love it! She also has hints of laughter.

Tonight we had her 2 month appt, she weighs 12lbs 13oz. She's growing healthy and strong and we're so grateful! She also got three shots, we both cried. She was okay until we got home then she absolutely lost it. I've never heard her cry so hard, it sounded so pained. I can't explain in words how it broke my heart. I instantly wished I could take her pain from her and put in on myself. Finally, after 2.5hrs of crying inconsolably , Tim went to the store and got her some tylenol. After the tylenol she began to calm down and some cuddling and sleeping with momma. Though it was so hard to hear her scream like that, it's such a priviledge to rock her and sing to her. There is no other place I'd rather be- I think we'll premedicate her next time. Thats all for now, goodnight!


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