I'm Back!!

Boy oh Boy, I'm a terrible blogger. I do however, want to get better and would like to make it more a habit. Yes, I'm a new mom and have little time to myself but, truth be told I can make time for this I just haven't. Call it laziness, that is likely what it is, ha! Oh well.

 Anywho, I plan to get better, I have many things that I feel will keep me accountable. First, I have taken a keen interest in pinterest and will be doing one pinterest thing a week. Which could include a HPOW or anything else I find on pinterest that I want to try. Second, I'm going to do this photo a day challenge. Every month I send my grandparents and parents and email to update about our baby girl and for her 3 months I had 4 pictures. 4! Apparently, I get so wrapped up in enjoying the moments, which is by no means a bad thing, that I forget to document them, oops! So hopefully this photo a day will encourage me to take a picture per day of our girl. Truly, a pic per day when we have digital cameras is not difficult, it's just not something I've made a habit.

 Lastly, I am trying a new thing with my groceries and will be blogging about it. So for my few and faithful peeps who read this little blog, that is the plan, hope you stick around to see all the fun. Bye for now!


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