Six Months...Half a Year!

Normally I just update on how our baby girl is doing but this month I decided to write her a letter.

Precious Baby Girl,

You are 6 months today. How can this be? If feels like just yesterday I was talking to you and feeling your kicks from the inside. God truly blessed us w hen he brought you into our lives! You bring us so much joy and happiness. I love you more and more each day. We tried to feed you carrots today. You weren't impressed. In fact, you hated it.

You are growing up so fast. Last week you began sitting all by yourself. During tummy time you do what you can to try and scoot. You haven't actually moved yet but you sure try. You crack us up on daily basis with your loud screaming. You are babbling more and more. You loved to be whistled to. You just started blowing raspberries. It's so cute. You have had quite a few rough nights this month with teething. We can feel the tooth but have yet to see it. Hopefully soon. :)

You have the sweetest disposition and we are blessed that you are an easy baby. I did find today with the carrots that you can be quite strong willed, wonder what we're in for there. You are still our chunky monkey. At your appointment today, you weighed a whopping 20 lbs! You are in the 95th percentile for height, weight and head circumference. I'm so grateful you're healthy. Well that's it for love you baby girl!

Love you,


She loves our pile of pillows and comforter in our bedroom

She's big enough now to enjoy all the toys on her exersaucer


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