I was watching our baby girl in the bath last night, splashing and scooting around and realized, she's 11 months tomorrow! EEk! I know I say this every month but truly this year has gone by so fast! One more month and I'll have a one year old. I'm starting to think after 11 months I'm never going to get used to her growing up.
Boy has 10 months been more adventurous then 9. She is so mobile. She still doesn't straight up crawl but that doesn't matter, she crab crawls all over the place, pulls herself up on everything and just when I think she can't do that,she shows me she can. She is able to walk assisted quite steady now. She'll even take up to 4 steps toward somebody when she feels like it. However; at this stage she knows it's faster to crab crawl so that is what she does most of the time.
She is such a good natured baby, we are so blessed. This past month, Tim had two weeks of vacation off, in that two week time frame we volunteered at the salvation army and by we I mean all three of us. Maggie just hung out in the carrier and smiled and entertained all the volunteers. Everybody kept saying my baby never would have done that. I was a little curious myself but figured she'd be fine and she was. Even when she didn't get a nap at her normal time she just rolled with the punches. She's very smiley and excitable.
Nothing too new on the tooth front. She's working on her fourth one and it has been a rough week. I thought for sure she would cut it this week with all the sleepless nights but not so far. Solid foods are coming along a lot nicer than previously. She will eat pretty much anything as long as she can feed herself. She is still not taking a lot of quality but she is taking more so I'll take what I can get. I see it as "baby steps" and in my mind improvement is improvement no matter how small.
Sleeping is going a lot better. She goes down between 730 and 8 pm and normally sleeps until 645-730 am. It's nice to have night time to ourselves. But I'm probably a little crazy in that I miss cuddling with her at 3 in the morning. Just this morning she fell asleep on my shoulder and I drank that in a couple more minutes because she is just too busy and active now to do that anymore.
Well, I think that's it. I could go on and on about our girl. I'm very blessed by her and everyday I'm reminded how immensely privileged I am to be her momma. I'm going to try and slow down these next 30 days until our baby is 1!
Hi!! |
Yum Broccoli |
So Mom was trying to change me and I decided to roll over grab my diaper and high tail it! |
Static electricity is fun! |
Hey Sweet girl, can you see my three teeth? |
Such a sweetie pie |
I love to clap |
Getting ready to go on a night jog with daddy |
"hey, give me that camera" |
I'm supposed to be napping? |
Who me? I didn't pull those dvd's off the shelf! |
Pretty Christmas tree |
Splish splash I was taking a bath, on a Saturday night. |