
At this time last year, I was writhing through every contraction, anticipating the birth of our baby. This year, I'm beyond blessed by our baby girl Maggie.

Motherhood is a crazy thing. Being a wife and a mother is all I've ever wanted to be. Getting my nursing degree was just a side job until God brought the right man. Funny, every moment in my life I've thought that I was humble and then I have the experience happen to me, ie. motherhood or marriage and find out just how prideful I am.

For instance, I remember when I was single wondering how come somebody wouldn't just let the baby cry until they went to sleep. No big deal right? WRONG. Now that I'm a mother that was by far the hardest party of mothering thus far this year. I also tried not to have expectations about motherhood which until about 7 months I think I did okay, then we introduced solids and unlike the movies our baby didn't just eat the food and swallow. In fact she projectile vomited every food I tried until about 10 months. When finally momma learned that she just doesn't like slimy textures and loves to feed herself. Who knew ;).

I've always heard everyone say motherhood is the hardest thing you'll ever do and I knew that in my head but boy after this year I'm learning what that means in my heart. It is an enormous responsibility. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed at the realization that this precious little life is my hands 99% of the time. With all that being said though, except for my off days when being a mommy is just beyond challenging, I absolutely adore it. I was asked when quitting my job last year if I would miss it or what about my nursing skills? I miss the people and there are days I crave adult conversation but more often than not I'm so incredibly blessed to be with our baby. I haven't missed a single moment of this first year and I'm so grateful.

I never knew love until I became a mom. The beauty and the challenge that truly loving takes. I'm beginning to realize that so far, every new stage has been more challenging than the last. I remember thinking waking multiples times a night and trying to entertain an immobile baby was difficult. Ha. Boy, did I have no idea. A walking and getting into every thing baby is more challenging and I'm sure the next step when she's walking and talking back to me will be more challenging than just walking.

I'm not the best writer but I hope I've conveyed here that I'm loving this phase of my life. I love our daughter more than I knew I could love someone. I'm human and I realize that. I have many faults and I just pray that our daughter and all of her siblings to come don't become too scarred by my mistakes. Praise God that he is with me always and guiding me to be a better mom. Thank you Magdalene Ruth for teaching me how to be a  mom. I'm blessed and honored to be your momma. My life will never be the same and I'm glad.  :)


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