Maggie 14 Months

Pheww what a month we've had with our girl.  Let's see where to begin. Well, we'll start with everything we've had to move, put up high or close off.  Maggie can now get in the trash can which is why it's in the pantry. She can now lift the lid to the toilet so all bathroom doors are now closed and all rolls of toilet paper are off the holder and on the counter where she can't reach them.

Funny after months of us trying to teach her to get off the couch backwards so her feet hit first and she doesn't fall. She just does it all on her own now. What a relief knowing she won't fall off the couch anymore. She has been walking for a few months but now she even runs and is very steady with walking.

In an effort to give her a sibling I've gone from nursing her 6 times per day down to 3. She is adjusting quite well. Three weeks ago she refused sippy cups now she drinks out of them. Some days more than others but the fact is she's learning. Which is good. Haven't found any new foods she really likes. Poor kid doesn't have much variety but I do try new things all the time she just likes what she likes and so far those things haven't changed. Her faves being tomatoes, corn, apples, broccoli, bread, tortillas, crackers and whole wheat pancakes.

Our little girls ramblings are becoming more clear. She now says mama and dada and we believe she knows that is us. She also says uh oh. We're working on teaching her to wave bye bye and also the parts of the face. So far she has eye down pat. She also started lifting my shirt to show my bellybutton so I taught her that and now she lifts my shirt and other peoples shirts and says beey bttn.  It's so cute!

Holy teeth batman. She's gone from 4 teeth to 7 with number 8 coming through any day. Teeth 6 and 7 came on Monday and Wednesday of last week. They are coming wam bam and poor baby is feeling it. Sleeping has been hit or miss the last couple weeks and I assume it's because she's hurting.

The older she gets the more personality she has. She laughs often and loves going outside to "help" mommy with the garden. Well, I think I've gushed enough for this month. Next month she has a doctors appointment so I'll have some new stats on her height and weight. That's all for now. Until next time!

Pretty girl handsome daddy

I didn't get in the diaperbag

Hi self, she loves to look at hers reflection

Couldn't find her one day and here she was sitting in the shower babbling to herself all wet.

Look at all my teeth!

Sweet baby

Bought her these shoes for Jed's wedding and she carried them around all day. Ha, love this girl!


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