Maggie 18 Months

Ahhhh!!! 18 months! How did our baby get to 18 months already! Life with our little toddler is busy and stressful but fun at the same time. Our girl is similar to her momma in that she is a talker. She talks so much! Tim says a normal toddler knows 15 words. Maggie probably knows 30-40. She melts our hearts with her sweet pees (please) and tank yu (thank you). First thing in the morning Tim brings her to me and she says momma momma. She has also recently informed me when she's gone number 2. Oh joy, haha. At the dinner table we grab her hands and say it's time to pray and she says aa-men! It's just precious!

She is also like her momma in her desire to push the limits she is obedient but she likes to inch that finger or take one more step before she truly listens. Boy what will we have ahead of us! We are still nursing two times per day. She is doing great with her sippy cups and is now even eating with a fork and spoon. This month brought 4 molars, in three weeks. Though they were quite a pain (literally) to come in it's nice now because she can chew so much more than before.

She loves to go outside which doesn't happen too often in our 110 degree weather. She adores her little swimming pool. She loves to read. She brings me books after books after books all day long. I think I basically have every book we own memorized. She is a girly girl in that she likes to carry my purse around, she loves jewelry and she's always trying on her shoes.

She is busy busy. I used to try and clean when she was awake, that is a thought of the past. She is behind me putting everything back on the floor that I just picked up. She is into everything and I mean everything. She must be getting taller because her reach is extended. This is for sure to take care of momma's clutter problem. It's no fun when she pulls all my papers off my desk because I have them stacked too high.

This was her first year seeing fireworks and she loved them. She alternating sitting on my lap then Tim's saying oooo and ahhh.. It was priceless. Sadly mommy thought daddy was bringing the camera and visa versa so we don't have any pictures of it :( Oh well.

Well, I think that is it. We'll be moving soon and I'm looking forward to being closer to libraries and splash pads to help entertain her. We love our girl and I relish every moment I get to be with her. So grateful to be her mommy.

Playing in the water at the splashpad.

"Look Mommy, I found my dresser and emptied it for you!"

Pees (please) with sign language.

Such a big girl eating with a fork.

Our girl loves puzzles just like her momma!

Daddy put me in here and I like it

Daddy put a bowl on my head then put monkeys on the bowl.

Helping Mommy sew

Happy 4th of July, she refused to smile little stinker.


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