21 months and 20 weeks

 21 months and busy. Yes, in three short months our girl will be 2! How did that happen. Goodness. She's such a little ball or fun and fire mixed together. She is constantly testing me and pushing her boundaries. I say no she inches a little closer just to see my reaction. I struggle to be consistent simply because I feel like all I do all day long is say no to her. My main goal is more consistency. Just like this little lovely girl though we're both newbies and we're both learning.

She is learning and talking more and more every day. She's not only just saying words but full phrases now. She hears a song enough and then starts to sing it herself. Right now she is trying to learn her abc's. It's so cute. I'll try to get a video of it so you all can see it.

So after fighting it for a couple months I broke down and bought her a potty today. I was hoping to do potty training when the new baby was a few months old. We'll see how it goes. She's very interested and Tim says she's showing signs of being ready. Pray for me. Not looking forward to this part of parenting. We ask her what's in momma's belly she says baby. She lifts my shirt and says baby.

As for the nursing, we're still going. I've decided if she's still going at it in 4 weeks when we're 24 weeks pregnant then I'll look into tandem nursing. I'm the first in the family to ever even think about this so I'm on my own island. We'll see what happens.

Maggie continues to love being outside. She has mastered climbing all the way up to the slide and goes down all by herself. She loves parks. It's hard to pry her away from them once we get there. She is our pride and joy and we fully enjoy her. I'm so grateful for her. My life wouldn't be the same without her.

Sorry, face was just terrible, couldn't show it to you.

As for me, we're 20 weeks along and chugging. This little baby is active and I'm grateful . I think the feeling awful days are going to be behind me soon or at least more manageable. This pregnancy has been entirely different and much more challenging thus far. We do have our ultrasound next Monday and I'm looking forward to it and hopeful that everything is going as planned. Will keep you updated next month, actually in two weeks! Ha!. That is enough for now. Here are so more adorable pics of our girl.

I'm awake!

She loves to color or draw

At a party at the park.

Little cutie finally let's me put clips in her hair!


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