Maggie 22 and 23 Months

Oops...I missed a month. Oh well, I'll just make up for it here. Maggie has slowed on the growth charts but soared on the smarts charts. She learns more new and exciting things every day. She is talking up a storm. Her latest verbal achievements are songs. With assistance, she sings ABC's quite well. She just started trying to sing "Old McDonald" it's adorable how it goes something like this, "EIEO, Farmer." She's so cute! She counts albeit a little out of sync from 1-10.

Her latest thing is asking, who's that or what's that? Her ability to get into stuff astounds me. And as an unwitting guest found out a while back, she is well on her way to opening doors, yikes!

I think I told you we bough her a potty. So far, to my relief, she hasn't seriously pursued it. She likes to play with and and sit on it occasionally but mostly it's just a fun new thing right now.

Being that we just got through Christmas, we have found that Maggie absolutely adores Christmas lights. She goes crazy saying pretty pretty lights. She had a mini meltdown when we took the Christmas tree down this past weekend. She keeps saying bye bye pretty lights. Then she says they are broken. I assure her they are not broken but just put away. She has yet to understand. Will be interesting this Christmas to see if she still finds such joy and excitement in lights. Much to my surprise she was gentle and fairly obedient with the tree.

She continues to love to do puzzles. She got many many new ones for Christmas and they are all wooden jigsaw puzzles and though she gets frustrated sometimes for the most part she can do them with assistance. She still loves to go outside and gets very excited to see Momma's garden and her budding broccoli. She loves broccoli. She enjoys coloring and we do it everyday. She especially loves to have you help her draw butterflies. Fortunately, she hasn't drawn on the walls...yet. Though, I know that day could be coming.

We have continued our nursing relationship and being that I'm nearly 30 weeks pregnant I feel I need to decide soon if I'm going to wean her or continue even when the new littlest Jacks joins us.

Our life is always busy and on the go with our sweet Mags but I wouldn't trade if for the world. Being a mommy is my dream and living it, although challenging, is the most wonderful of all. I'll try and be better with her updates. She's 2 in 11 days! Goodness!


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