Maggie is 2!

Most recent picture, thought her pigtails were so cute!

Hey all,

So technically, our girl is 25 months now. Sorry. Again, I am behind. 35 weeks pregnant sure is taking it out of me. Enough about me though.

Our girl is 2! And boy is she. She is giving me quite a run for my money with typical two year old behavior. Tantrums are nearly everyday. Independence is at new heights and climbing is a new favorite, albeit dangerous, activity.

Remember my last update about not drawing on things? I kid you not, not ten minutes after I wrote that last update I find this.

I had to laugh. Praise God it washed off. No more unsupervised playing with crayons and chalk. Mommy closely monitors her with these activities now.

For her 2 year birthday, we had family over and different from last year Maggie dove right into presents and had quite fun and excited reactions to the contents of her presents. She loved her butterfly cake!

December and January were rough months in this house. Tim and Maggie were collectively sick the whole two months. Maggie also welcomed 3 teeth in 8 days during her sickness. (only one more to get). Oi vey, did we have some sleepless nights. It took us 2.5 months, but we are all on the mend, just in time for baby, yay God. Maggie weighs 26 lbs and has grown 3 inches and is just short of 3 feet tall. No wonder she is so capable.

Let's see, all the fun things our Mags is up to. She loves helping me bake, starting the dishwasher, holding the dustpan when sweeping and putting laundry from the washer to the dryer. She also loves to help me garden. She loves butterflies. She loves when we go to the park and lately has found enjoyment in watching Winnie the Pooh. Feeling and seeing baby move has begun to get her excited about the baby. We take her to see the midwife with us and she comments on the baby's heartbeat and says baby heartbeat go boom boom boom. So cute!
Helping mommy bake bread

We got her an easel for her birthday and what a good choice by daddy. She loves to draw and color. She is really starting to get her colors as of the last week. When in the car we have this special thing we do she says a book and mommy recites it to her. I'm amazed at how many toddler books I have memorized. Now I know she was conditioning me all those months ago reading them over and over and over. It's helpful on busy days in the car. I've started counting objects then taking one or two away to see if she'll count and notice the difference. For the most part, she does quite well.
Drawing pretty pictures

Her hair is getting so long and I'm able to do more with it which is fun! She's still very much a girly girl and likes pretty hair things and pretty necklaces. Though this season is thus far challenging, I try to remember it is just small portion of her life. I try especially to remember to relish the good days. Our girl still has a sweet side. She loves to kiss my belly and feel baby move. She smiles and gets excited when the baby kicks her hand. She has a special relationship with her daddy and I'm glad. Nana and Papa(my parents) continue to be a favorite. Okay sorry this was so long. Next update will likely include baby brother or sister!
reading with daddy

helping mommy garden

Love my big girl carseat!

Sweetly sleeping

Making valentines day cookies

Zoolights after Christmas

You want me to blow those out, hmmm...

Daddy made me this house, I love it!


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