Mag's and Little Man

3 months, getting so big Our two little beauties! 29 months and 3 months Hello All, Yes I do still exist. Sorry I have been so absent lately. Adjusting to life with two little ones is giving me a run for my money and so the most neglected thing has been this blog. Sorry for anyone who still reads it. Anywho, how about a 4 month update? The last time I talked about our girl she had just turned two and now she is 29 months, next month she’ll be two and a half, wow! Her vocabulary and understanding of words and sentences has exploded lately. She’s beginning to understand fully statements and sentences. It’s amazing to see how quickly she learns overnight. With it being summer, she’s outside everyday. It’s amazing how entertained she can be with a bucket of water and a few cups! We just finished her first swimming lessons this past week. She learned how to be more comfortable in the water, how to blow bubbles and how to float. She’s got an interest in the potty...