Eli's birth story

Well here you go, as with last time I am a used to be labor nurse and my filter is fairly nil so don't read on if birth isn't your thing because I'm not shy about details.

Early early in the morning, like 2am I was already awake with our fussy Mags when I suddenly felt like I was going to puke so I run to the bathroom and my awesome body that gives me a GI cleanse prior to labor was doing it's thing. I paid little to no attention to this because I had been in pre-labor for nearly 2 weeks. So I thought well here we go again. Didn't get excited just figured it was nothing. Maggie had finally gone back to sleep so I did too. Then she awoke again about 30 minutes later. Again I went in to cuddle her and for the firs time I had a contraction and it felt like the real thing but I've also thought that a couple of other times in my two weeks of pre-labor. So I decided to humor them and breathe through them quietly as possible since I was trying to help our girl get back to sleep. She finally went back to sleep I think around 3 am. I was definitely contracting but figured it would be a run of them and they would peter off like they had frequently as of late. I didn't really time them just kind of did and I think they were like 9-10 minutes apart. 

By 330, I decided since they hadn't petered off I would wake hubby and just let him know this might be it but I wasn't sure and that he should continue to sleep in case it was a false alarm. So, I came out to my office and watched some tv show, continuing to contract between 7 and 9 minutes. I actually started timing them around 430 and they were about 7-10 minutes apart. Still nothing to get excited about but they were still coming so here I go texting my midwife just to give heads up that something may be happening. I also texted my mom around this time just so she would be aware. Lo and behold the next hour I slept but continued to time them and was dismayed to see they had spaced out to 13-15 minutes apart for that hour. However; after an hour they picked up again and went back to 7-9 minutes apart but they really hurt this time. 

From 6-7 the contractions picked up intensity, and they hurt really bad, so much so that right at the peak my coping mechanisms were starting to fail, I was getting loud. At 7, when Mags woke up hubby encouraged me to call mother in law into town to watch Maggie just in case it started to pick up ( thank God he encouraged me to do this). After calling my mother in law, I also texted my mom to come get Maggie so I wouldn't scare her with my very loud shall we call it moaning. By 730, now in hindsight, I can tell you the contractions had changed in intensity, however; were not very close together probably about 5-7 minutes apart. At 8:03, I texted my midwife and asked if getting in the tub would slow my labor. She said getting in the tub was a great idea. Into the tub I went, I had one contraction in the tub and then nothing for 15 minutes. Disheartened, I thought great I stalled my labor. Then, one right on top of the other came 4 or 5 contractions back to back, no break, I told hubby, I was losing it and that I couldn't do this anymore. 8:40-I told him we had to call Ramona, my midwife because something didn't feel right. After talking with Ramona we decided it was time to go to the hospital. As soon as we hung up, my water broke. I freaked! I started saying Tim I'm going to have this baby on the bedroom floor, Tim I don't want to have this baby in our bedroom. Just getting out of the tub, I didn't have any clothes on, sweet hubby says do you wanna get dressed I said NO. Transition sign anyone? Loss of modesty, hehe. I told him to grab a dress from the closet any dress would do. I threw on a dress and walked assisted to the car. I couldn't sit on my behind so I sat super slouched gripping Tim's hand for dear life. I had a contraction as we exited the driveway I told him to stop he didn't he kept going. Good thing. I decided to try the whole pant so you didn't push thing that I used to tell patients when I was a nurse. We got to Mercy fast, praise God for only living 3 minutes away! We got to the ER and there was nobody to help us. Tim found someone and she was half sauntering over asking me if this was my first baby I said no it is my second and I'm going to have a baby please get me up to labor and delivery. 

Got up to labor and delivery, somehow got on the bed, the nurse checked me complete and +3 station, 1 minute later midwife came in, so glad we called her when we did. I pushed once they said I moved his head a little. I was completely out of control I looked at my midwife and said I can't push two hours this time, I'm losing it. She reassured me I wouldn't push for two hours. The next contraction I pushed a couple times, then I reached that point of no return and contracting or not I had to push and what do you know we had a baby! Eli Steven born 9:10am. I was in my L&D room for a whole 12 minutes, 8 of which were pushing and he was here. We had a son! As with Maggie, I bled more than normal but I did not hemorrhage. 

Terrified that I had just blew out my bottom from such a fast delivery but nope. Praise God no repair! The first 24 hours following this delivery, I felt what I describe as shell shocked. Happy he was here but very much in awe and a little traumatized by how fast everything went and how out of control I was. If you saw me the next day, I had a much more mild opinion and everything was in perspective. God had everything under control, it was crazy but everyone got there. My mom was there, my midwife made the delivery, my mother in law made it into town to watch Maggie and though it was intense and horribly painful it was over before I felt like I could blink. Running joke or maybe serious thought is for any future babies I go the hospital when contractions start. We'll see. I honestly wasn't sure it was labor until my water broke. We'll see if I learned anything for baby #3. Will add pictures to this note at some point. 

Just wanted to add enormous thank you to my hubby and support Tim, my mom for being there and getting pictures, and my amazing midwife Ramona! I couldn't have done it without you all and I'm so grateful you were all there! Thank you too to the nurses of Mercy Gilbert, you all rock!
Just getting to L&D, checked complete and +3, gripping to Tim for dear life.Just getting to L&D, checked complete and +3, gripping to Tim for dear life.12 minutes later, Eli Steven! I know it's blurry but it's my first look at him.12 minutes later, Eli Steven! I know it's blurry but it's my first look at him.Ahh relief and skin to skin with our little guy!Ahh relief and skin to skin with our little guy!Proud Daddy!Proud Daddy!Weighing our little peanut 6-6lbsWeighing our little peanut 6-6lbs


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