3 months, getting so big |
Our two little beauties! |
29 months and 3 months
Hello All,
Yes I do still exist. Sorry I have been so absent lately.
Adjusting to life with two little ones is giving me a run for my money and so
the most neglected thing has been this blog. Sorry for anyone who still reads
it. Anywho, how about a 4 month update?
The last time I talked about our girl she had just turned
two and now she is 29 months, next month she’ll be two and a half, wow! Her
vocabulary and understanding of words and sentences has exploded lately. She’s
beginning to understand fully statements and sentences. It’s amazing to see how
quickly she learns overnight. With it being summer, she’s outside everyday. It’s
amazing how entertained she can be with a bucket of water and a few cups! We
just finished her first swimming lessons this past week. She learned how to be
more comfortable in the water, how to blow bubbles and how to float. She’s got
an interest in the potty but we are not actively pursuing potty training. Her
favorite activities include coloring, drawing, and water. I plan to try playing
play doh with her soon I think she will love it. I’m always on a mission to
find other things for her to do. She loves her 15 minutes a day on the ipod
watching educational youtube videos and her 15 minutes of a Disney movie, her
favorite being Cars. She’s currently teething two two year molars and is
constantly chewing on whatever she can get her hands on. Shortly, after Eli was
born we moved her into a toddler bed. She welcomed it but thus far we’re fairly
sure she is sleeping in the chair in her room so we’re still working on that.
She LOVES finger painting |
Looking pretty on Easter Sunday |
The kiddos on Easter |
I won’t lie I had no idea two was going to be this challenging
but I pray with God’s grace our little girl knows how much I love her and I do
my best to be patient with her. She’s constantly cracking us up with the things
she says. She sweetly kisses baby Eli before naps and at bedtime and randomly
throughout the day. It’s pretty cool.
Maggie meeting Eli for the first time |
2 months! |
Playing a video game with Daddy |
Bowling for the first time, she loved it! |
Hey cutie! |
1 month old |
Cute smiling boy |
Caught his very first smile on camera, 5 weeks old. |
Speaking of little brother, we welcomed Eli Steven very
quickly on March 22 at 910 in the morning. He was a sweet little peanut at
6-6lbs and now he’s a whopping 12-15lbs. He’s quite the little chunk. He sweetly
sleeps between 4-6 hours at night. He’s a cat napper throughout the day, he
sleeps on average 45 minutes. Makes it harder to get things done but I adore
every minute with him. As I right this, he’s sleeping sweetly in the bouncer.
She’s so full of smiles and just recently started laughing out loud, it’s
pretty adorable. I wish I could say I’ve been great with taking pictures but the
truth is I’m terrible about it. I’ll include whatever pictures I have but I’ll
warn you it’s not many.
I finally feel like I’m wrapping my head around being a
mommy to two and keeping up with my house. Life seems to be normalizing again.
I will try to be more prudent with updates from now on. For now, I think that
is all. Goodnight.