Our girl, 31 months, Our Boy 5 Months

Hanging out with each
other while Maggie was in the hospital.

31 Months and 5 Months

Okay, I have a ton to say and a lot of ground to make up from not updating about our kiddos in 2 months. As most of you know, our 2 year old has started a very long journey with being diagnosed with leukemia. It’s been an extremely difficult two weeks. Right now we’re in the first stage of treatment which is known as induction. It’s 29 days of her first rounds of chemo. The last two weeks, 5 days of which were in the hospital, have been very difficult on our girl. From her first needle pokes and medications to having her first general anesthesia and being tethered to an IV pole. Her favorite part about being in the hospital was watching Cars and Finding Nemo 2-3 times per day.

Our first few days home and even the first week being home Maggie was her normal self. Feisty, strong willed and temperamental, as a momma, I can’t believe I’m saying I’d rather have a toddler yelling at me but she’s so lethargic and wiped out now. I’d say that is preferable. I’m told that this first month is the one of the most difficult so I’m hoping a couple more weeks and she’ll be more like the kid I know.

My biggest efforts right now are trying to comfort her and trying to help her manage any feelings that she has. I, as her mother, believe she is scared and even angry. I am praying for and trying to find creative outlets for her to express these emotions.

Our days are filled with lots and lots of cuddling, singing songs, and book reading. We are over one little hump in this journey, we finished her steroids. Next up is the 29 day mark when she has some more tests to see her prognosis. The good news is she’s right where the doctors want her. She’s responding the way they want which is good.

Before this life-changing news, Maggie was her normal self. At the end of July, we went to Oregon to visit my grand father. We all had an awesome time and Maggie enjoyed Great-Pa thoroughly! Her favorite activities in our hot state are water. Her kiddie pool and the sprinkler mostly. She loves to build blocks and play with legos.  She’s conversing more and more. Instead of milk, she’ll say I want milk. She’s more like talking to a child instead of a toddler. It’s surreal to watch her grow and change. We have a long road ahead of us that is for sure. We serve a Big God and have wonderful family and friends and we will emerge victorious from this. All your prayers and support are appreciated.

Our baby boy, is 5 months! He weighted 16-5 at four months. He’s got such chubby baby thighs, we think that might be where he’s hiding some weight. He’s surprised me immensely in one week by rolling from front to back and back to front and sitting on his own! What a week that was for our boy. He’s such a peaceful baby. He’s very go-with-the-flow and easy going which is such a blessing in this time.

He knows how to lighten my heavy heart, you just look at the boy and he smiles at you. He’s has such a fun and contagious laugh as well. So far he loves to sit on the couch with me and read books. He loves the bright colors. He does not get any TV time but glimpses he does get he very much enjoys. I shudder at the thought that soon he’s going to be able to move because I believe once he can he’s going to be gone. He has places to go and people to see. I just pray he’ll stay with me for a year and nurse. Time will tell. Love our baby boy so much and it’s such a privilege and an honor to be his mommy. 

Some pictures for your enjoyment!
Her bunny has a port just like her, she was listening to her bunny the way the doctors and nurses listen to her.

He fell asleep sucking on monkey, aww.

Happy 4th of July!

Maggie and Tim running in the rain

Maggie's first flight (that she remembers)

Eli's first flight (both of the kids did really well)

Visiting Crater Lake with Great Pa

Me and Eli at Crater Lake

Took Maggie to fishery to feed fish, she loved it.

Eli's Turn

Momma and Son

Beach Day

Eli HATED the cold sand and ocean

"Daddy buried me"

Hot tubbing with Great Pa

He loves to knock over the cups

"Look Mom, I found my toes!"

Riding the tractor with Great Pa

Adore this picture of my two boys

My other favorite man with my grandpa

Hey Handsome!


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