Life Update

Bummer! It's been over a month since I last posted, ugh, how does that happen? Oh well, here is life right now. We'll start with Maggie, Maggie is in her final phase of treatment before she reaches maintenance. Maintenance is the phase of treatment we're told where life can begin to feel normal again. Maggie should be able to go to the nursery at church. Prayerfully I can return to my Bible study. I hope that I can resume my moms group as well. But all of this is contingent upon her reaching this phase.

The phase of treatment she's in is called delayed intensification and so far it's pretty unpleasant. Maggie just finished her second round of steroids and this time she is craving constipating foods. It's nigh impossible to get a steroidal toddler to eat anything besides what she wants. So here we sit going on day three of crying and pain from constipation compounded by other medications giving her side effects it's been a pretty hard week. Prayerfully, since the steroids are done she'll start to be more back to her normal happy self. Her beautifully growing thriving hair is now leaving again. This should be the last time that she loses her hair, when it grows back next time it should stay. Yay! Been a very challenging week so your continued prayers are very appreciated!

Onto more lighter things, my seeds have sprouted and now they are outside hardening off to be put in my garden in the next few days. If you closely follow this sparingly updated blog, I have kept up with my craft goals for three months. Been very busy either sewing or crocheting. I will be posting pictures and updates on that soon.


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