Garden update

So my garden is growing. I'm beginning to think that my planting zucchini in the bags wasn't a good idea. I don't think the bags are draining very well and the plants are not looking healthy at all. I planted a back up seed the other day ( I know it's late) but I just can't go all summer without zucchini so it's possible my experiment will fail.

I've had BIG problems with birds. They have eaten the tops off of 5 plants now. Three of them I replaced. At least now, my plants are big enough that even if eaten that won't be the end.

Gardening, love and hate relationship. I love the organic produce and satisfaction of growing something myself. I hate the pests. Especially this years birds. Giving me a lot anguish this year. Oh well.

At least my tomatoes are doing well. Can't wait to start eating some homegrown tomatoes. Until next time.


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