Hubby's Conference in Mount Hermon

Hey all, not many HPOW's this month, we are busy little travelers. I was privileged to go to my hubby's conference through CMDA. It's a conference put on annually for Doctors and their spouses. They had workshop for all the docs but they had some for wives as well. It was a great weekend with an added surprise we wouldn't know for a few weeks ;)

Visiting the ocean on the way to Mount Hermon

My silly hubby during a fun little hike


Pretty hike we took

Mount Hermon

Mount Hermon

Love this goofy man!

All set for zip lining

Looking on at other peeps

That's me, it's kinda a rush at first

Tim's turn

A little scared of the rickety rope bridge

Slow and steady...

Us on the rickety bridge, we made it!


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