My First Down and Out

Hey Everybody,
As is public knowledge, we're hoping to get pregnant soon and as such, I wanted to do a down and out of the Grand Canyon. Since that task seems pretty impossible pregnant, we decided to do it now. This will be a picture journey  :)

Early morning, I'm very chilly in this pic

The animals are not afraid of humans at all

At the top, getting started :)

The sign reads "DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS FULL HIKE IN ONE DAY" We didn't listen.

Heading down, getting hot, already she my pants

Even hotter, sweatshirt gone


More Scenery

Tourists taking pics mating squirrels

Still going down

In the tunnel

Man my husband is a hottie  :)

Lunch time in the grass

River, dirty but a river nonetheless

He made me look down because he knew it would scare me.

Heading up from the bottom

He was hoping I'd fall in, sorry to disappoint 


Just walking along, but wow was I hurting by now

Last water station before the top

It's getting steep now

More scenery

Please stop taking pics of me...

All done, aren't our shoes gross?

Smiling, until I had to stand up, that was a challenge  ;)

Woot woot, I did it! 20 miles in 9.5 hours, go me, this was number 10 for the hubby but it was numero uno for me.  Thats all for now  ;p.


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