Weeks 14-19 In Pics

Here comes my back blogging, ha, I've had pics a ideas and honestly just have been too lazy or have forgotten to post, I really need to get better at that. Any how, we're 19 weeks and my nausea has eased slightly. I still have to eat every couple hrs to keep it at bay, I figure this will just be my norm pregnant which is fine with me. I'd do anything for this little one. I felt the flutters of baby moving for the first time at 16 wks 4 days. At just a week later, Tim felt the baby's movement as well. So much fun!! My next OB appointment is in one week and then we'll have our growth scan, can't wait to see our baby. Last time I saw him/her they were the size of a kidney bean  :) Okay, well that's it for now. Here are some pics  :)

14 Weeks

15 weeks

16 weeks

17 weeks

18 weeks

19 weeks


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