Maggie 10 Months


Look! Can you believe it! Maggie is only 10 months and 1 day and I'm writing her update, it's a miracle! HA! Anyway, baby girl is growing, growing and growing.

She's quite quick with her crab crawling. She's getting into everything and I find myself saying "no Maggie" way too much during the day. Here I thought our house was fairly baby proofed, it is when it comes to the outlets but I'd be lying if I said I wish we had an entertainment center that had doors and a way to lock up the DVDs. I do my best to hide cords but boy can she find any and all ones that  I miss.

Eating solids is still two steps forward one step back. One day she likes something the next she doesn't. The latest success was peaches tonight. She ate them, yay! We'll see if she still likes them in the morning. I don't know what else to feed her for breakfast except cheerios and fruit. Have you other mommas have other suggestions? She won't eat oatmeal or anything pureed.

Some of you know that getting our girl to sleep through the night has been a challenge. Last month the pediatrician said I had to let her cry to get to sleep. Sadly, I did full on cry it out one night and I couldn't take it. So, I've been doing a modified cry it out where I stay in the room with her and it's slowly working. I realize now that I made some habits with her that I shouldn't have given my situation. However, I'm already researching different ways to do this because I will not be doing cry it out with any of my other babies. It just feels wrong for me. I've always been adamantly against cry it out (that is for a different blog post). So hopefully, I can find something that works.

All in all, our baby girl is happy, healthy and thriving. She loves to be tickled and laughs regularly. I love being her Momma and can't believe 2 more short months and she'll be a year. Where did this year go??? That's all for now!


I don't know if it's something you're comfortable with, but egg yolks (not the whites) from organic (preferrably pastured) hens is really nutritious for babies. When I start Asher back up on solids again I will start him on egg yolks along with the avacocado he has already had. I don't really do the puree thing either. Have you tried those mesh feeders, you can put soft foods in there like banana or steamed carrots. Your little girl sounds like quite the character! Don't fret about the solids though, breastmilk is the best thing ever for our little guys and they won't grow up nursing forever. :)
Momma said…
Thanks so much for the encouragement Sarah! I haven't tried mesh feeder, I may have to. I tried avocado and she didn't like it. We think she's a texture kid, she doesn't like soft slimy textures. She loves bread, cracker and cheese. Did Nathan have any issues with solid foods?
Nathan went through tiny phases where he would not like something, but I would just keep offering it to him everyday and eventually he would accept it again. Right now he eats anything and everything. I hope it stays that way. Asher is another story. We are having some issues with him breaking out in eczema, so I actually stopped all solids, and am trying to build up his gut flora with probiotics and give his little body some extra time before starting solids again.

I was thinking if she likes the texture of bread, maybe you could spread some avocado on the bread, or even spread some hummus on the cheese slices, etc. Maybe she'll accept the 'slimy' food if it's accompanied with a food she does like. Then you may be able to transition her slowly. You can even make bread with veggie purees (after all that's what banana bread and pumpkin bread are) etc.

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