Our Girl 9 3/4 Months

Okay All,

So it's been a very busy month. Obviously, since our girl is nearing 10 months and I'm barely writing this. I do know however; if you read my blog you know I'm terrible at keeping up with it. So for those of you who stick with me thanks.

Anyway, onto our baby. So 9 months has been a month of many changes and milestones. First she's a mover now. In the past month she has learned to go from her belly to sitting, from sitting to pulling herself up and she's even taken a few steps before falling down. She is also recently doing a sort of half crab walk half crawl. Needless to say she is fast and can now get into anything and everything her heart desires. Slow down there baby girl!  :)  In the last three days she welcomed tooth number 3. She took her first airplane ride and was a total champ!

She's beginning some separation anxiety as when I put her down and walk away she cries. She has starting reaching for people she wants, mainly mommy but occasionally daddy.  It warms my Momma's heart when she reaches for me.

She's beginning to get taller so she's doesn't appear as chubby but don't let that fool you, she's still our healthy chunky girl. 22lbs 14 oz at 9 months. She's still 90th+ percentile in all categories, head, height and weight.

She doesn't like to sit on laps anymore she wants to be on ground crab crawling or cruising around the coffee table. Her new mobility has been hard on her little body. She takes tumbles quite frequently these days. My biggest chore is stopping her before she pulls herself up on the tile. I pray she doesn't fall hard there.

Solid foods is still a challenge. We are convinced she just doesn't like textures, which makes fruits and veggies difficult, once cooked, can you say slick and slimy?? That being said, she loves to eat, especially, cheese, bread, tortillas, crackers and cheerios. My goal is to get her eating three meals a day, slowly we're getting there.

All in all, our girl is great! She has her quirks like any kid but she's happy and healthy and thriving. Praise God! I'm so blessed to be her Momma. This season is challenging on me because she's exerting her independence and I'm finding that a little difficult. Again growth on my part. Here are some pics of our cutie. That's all for now,with any hope her 10 month update will be on here in 9 days  :) :) :).

Standing proud

Such a sweetie


With Great Grandpa

"I got your hair tie mom"

Yee Haw love riding daddy

Go Cardinals!!!

Fun time with Nana

Love this picture of her!


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