One year old! My baby is technically a baby anymore! I know, I know, I'm late, she's 12.5 months old. I do my best but blogging goes by the wayside and I always promise to be better and I'm not so for those of you who still read thanks. Otherwise, I just enjoy writing and if nobody ever reads this it can be a journal entry in Maggie's baby book :)
Okay, without further ado, 1. Eesh, this first year went by oh so fast. On her actual birthday we didn't do anything out of the ordinary. We sang to her and then went about our day. Three days later on a Saturday, we had a houseful of all our family. Maggie kept with her good nature, she seemed a little overwhelmed but not too much. She still occasionally smiled. She was very blessed to get a lot of cool gifts and she did eventually dig into her cake. It was a good day had by all.
At her 1 year appointment, she weighed 24.6 pounds so she doesn't beat our cousin Sam in the biggest Jacks' baby. Pheww. She gets harassed enough for her size. She doesn't care but momma does. She's walking more and more. I'd say she crawls 50% and walks 50%. She's super curious and gets into anything and everything her little hands can get into. She still loves books. She pages through them and talks to herself as she goes. Her hair is getting longer and I look forward to the day I can put ponies in it. Not that she'll keep them in but I can hope right. ;).
She is learning things so fast now. She just learned how to put the shapes in the holes recently. She likes to help me with laundry by closing the dryer door. She follows me around all day and hangs on me and I know someday it will be annoying but right now I think it's so cute when she hangs on me and wants to be with me. I know the day will come where she wants nothing to do with me.
Eating is still an uphill climb but its getting more regular and routine. She finally eats breakfast, lunch and dinner. Her favorite foods being bread, tortillas, cheese, broccoli, tomatoes and corn. I just started introducing whole milk to her, she is not a fan but we'll continue working.
Sleeping is finally a simple task. She goes down at 8pm and barring any teething or sickness she sleeps all night. Speaking of teeth she cut tooth number five this past week. She's getting so big so fast. We love our life and our little girl and we're so blessed by her. That's it for now. Until next time.
Christmas Dress |
Love my new swing! |
I enjoy my walker/trike |
My favorite past time. |
I didn't make this mess, promise ;) |
Cutie Pie |
Yummy disposable diapers |
I'm 1! |