13 Months

And...another month has flown by. Baby girl is 13 months and well on her way to toddler status. She is up to new and exciting things every day. Lets see just in the past week she has begun standing without pulling herself up first. She is much more stable with walking and she also is much more steady in shoes than she was just a few weeks ago.

She has learned if she gets on her tippiest of toes she can reach about three inches into a desk and pull whatever she finds down. Which is funny but Mommy is learning how dangerous that can be depending on what is up there. She can now climb. When on the couch she tries to climb up and over onto the floor, Lord help us when she can climb up on the couch by herself. She's a curious little love. She recently discovered the toilet paper and how when she pulls on it, it unravels, ha! She now points to things.

We are trying to teach her bye bye and have started with doing high fives. Which she loves to do. She is now walking probably 75% of the time and crawling 25%. I'm sure a few more weeks and she won't crawl at all anymore as walking is much more efficient. Sometimes she walks so fast I think she is trying to run. Boy am I in for it when she can run away from me.

Eating is staying consistently good. Hallelujah. I believe in baby led weaning but I am trying to reduce her nursing down to 3-4 a day instead of 5 or 6. So far we still can't really get her to drink from a sippy cup or a regular cup. She definitely still prefers momma's milk. She carries the sippy around and seems to like it but I don't think she's actually drinking much. Oh well, she will when she's ready.

She is such a joy and I can't remember our life without her. Most days I just look at her in awe and wonder how I can love someone so much. She's just the apple of my eye and I'm so blessed to be her momma. I'm trying to enjoy this phase of life with her because I know I will blink and it will be gone. Okay, well she just woke up so I must go. Until next time!


I love reading about your sweet little girl. I can't believe she's already 13 months old! Time does go by way too fast with our little guys. She sure is precious!
thejacksgraze said…
how are our girls getting so big? Hope to see you guys soon.

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