15 Months

Well, the months just keep chugging by. Our baby is 15 months and looking and acting less and less like an actual baby. She's so much fun right now. This stage is a blast! She is really into mimicking us now. We say something and she copies us to the best of her ability. She tries to run and sadly at this point she ends up biffing it.

She is so smart and I can see her becoming intentional in what toys she plays with and how she plays with them. Just last week she has learned what animal a lion is when you ask her what noise it makes she says rarr! It's so cute! She is also fairly obsessed with belly buttons. She randomly walks up to just about everybody and says bee bttn. She knows where her eyes are and her ears and we're working on her nose and mouth.

She loves water and I'm looking forward( sort of) to hotter temperatures so we can play in her pool everyday. She loves to be outside. Her favorite thing to do outside is to eat rocks and dirt. I don't exactly like that but it is what it is.

Right now she is cutting her top two molars and boy are they tough! She isn't sleeping well at night. She is waking multiples times and then not going right back down like she normally does. Needless to say this is wearing on momma. Hopefully her teeth will come in soon and we can get back to normal.

We just got back from our first vacation as a family alone. We went to California, stayed with some friends a few days and then went to the beach. Maggie liked playing in the sand but didn't like the cold water or walking in the sand since it moves under her feet. Our last day we did a bike ride along the beach it was so fun. Our girl rolled with the punches just like the great baby she is. She didn't nap the greatest away from home but that didn't stop her from being her happy easy baby.

Today for the first time, she has enough hair to put it into little pony tails. I'm so excited! I can't wait to try new little styles and hair things with her. Being a mother truly is the most challenging and awesome job in the world. I relish every moment I get with her. I hope I never take her for granted!


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