Mom Rut

Hi All,

So this won't be the most fun topic to talk about. But I've decided to blog about it. Mostly because I know not too many people read this and those of you that do I'm fairly close to you and would or probably have told you about it in person.

I'm in a rut. I call it a mom rut. I'm told its quite common. I haven't let myself go by gaining a lot of weight but I definitely have with how I look. I've been dealing with quite a lot of negative thoughts about myself and I've found that I just don't feel attractive. Most days I just feel like a dead mommy. Some days I try to dress nicely and I still feel quite frumpy. Don't get me wrong I adore being a mommy. I can't imagine my life without our girl. I do think it's time for me to stop completely ignoring my needs in this way. That being said, I've decided that for the next few months I'm going to set aside money every month that I am going to make myself spend it on me. (I find it super easy to spend all my money on Maggie). I hope this will help me to feel more attractive. I hope I don't sound vain that is not at all my intent. I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder but I also think that if I'm feeling this down about it I should do something about it. Here's to getting some style and attractiveness back after baby! Ha. Just in time to hopefully have another!


I love that you call it a Mom Rut. I am right there too. That is part of why I started selling Jamberry Nails. My plan was to use the money I make from this job to use just on myself. So far it has gone back to the "business" expenses and I still can't imagine spending money on myself, my kids/hubby always need things more than I do. Something I am working on.

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