14 Weeks

Our facebook announcement.


Our secret is out! Woot woot! We're 14 weeks and chugging along. I'm already in maternity clothes, I'm pretty good size already. I started feeling flutters at exactly 13 weeks. Love feeling that little one's bubbles  :). Still nauseous and actually it's worsening which is what happened with Maggie. Another girl perhaps? :-)  I don't really believe in all that. This pregnancy has been completely different than with Maggie. With Maggie I had glowing skin. This baby I'm breaking out all over the place. Maggie I started getting sick 8 weeks this baby 5.5 weeks. Maggie I was tired but it was manageable, this one I could sleep all day. Ha! I find this pregnancy going by so quickly, assuming because I chase a toddler all day.

I'm in a season of life where I'm extending myself lot's of extra grace to get everything done. I didn't start feeling well until 26 weeks with Maggie and though I know I could start feeling good any day, I'm not holding my breath. I'm committed to not complain, I'm grateful for every sign or symptom this pregnancy gives me. So glad people know now!

Our announcement to friends.


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