Maggie 19/20 Months

Hi All,

So sadly, our girl is closer to 21 months but better late than never. With moving, going on vacation and plain exhaustion from pregnancy I'm just a little behind. Now, onto our girl.

Our beautiful baby girl is 20 months and well on her way to her own opinion and attitudes. Well, lets begin with how our girl has been since we got pregnant. I had her down to nursing twice a day and about 4 days after we saw a positive pregnancy test she changed. She knows something is up. Our always happy rarely clingy girl is completely different now. She's very needy and clingy and wants to nurse all the time. Though, I now know that nursing during pregnancy is a recipe for exhaustion I feel at this time the best thing to do is cater to her needs. So we nurse on average 4-8 times a day again. I struggle with it sometimes but with moving, teething and just growing older our girl has had a lot of change in a short amount of time and because of that I'm at peace with my decision to cater to her a little more right now.

We've been moved a month now and I'm happy to report that after a couple of hard weeks she is sleeping through the night. She still has 12 teeth. She's been working on her two front eye teeth for months now and though they are close they are not here yet. Tim informs me that by the age of two she should have them all. Eek! That means she has 4 months to get 8 more teeth. I hope for our girl's sake she's a little delayed and has a bigger space in between. We'll just have to wait and see.

Our girl is quite the chatter box, just like her momma. Right now I call her my little mocking bird because everything I say she repeats. It's quite adorable and momma has had to realize every little thing I say and ask myself if I want her to repeat it. Her pediatrician says she should know about 6-10 words and Maggie knows and understands over 30. She is learning like all children have to about boundaries. She has bold faced said no to Tim and I each once and then received her punishment. Boy does that girl have a killer pouting lip.

Her favorite people far and above are Nana and Papa. She asks for them most daily. It's so fun to see her so attached to my parents. I love their love for her and I love that she receives it and gives it back to them in the form of hugs and kisses and i wuv you! Our girl always has and probably always will love outside. I look forward to the coming cooler months so we can go out more. It's getting better but still fairly hot to play outside for too long.

Well, I think that does it for now. I love our girl so much and thank God daily for her. Being her momma is the biggest joy and challenge in my life and I'm eternally grateful to God for the opportunity and blessing of being her momma. I apologize I don't have many pictures. I just haven't taken many. Gotta get better at that for sure!

She sees this shirt and says peas pease (please) until I put it on her! My little Cardinal fan!

Hi pretty girl

Thumper is helping me color

Mmmm I love spaghetti


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