Day 2 and Slow Cooker

Due to my intermediate fetal monitoring class today, I got up leisurely at 545, then went for my run. I forgot my little sticky note of my plan for today so I improvised. I remembered to run 1/4, walk 1/8, run 1/2, then forgot the rest so I walked for .10 then ran the rest of the way, maybe a little premature but I happen to know I'll have to run a whole mile at some point next week so I thought I'd try it out today. Anyway, total miles was 2.3, increased my running speed to no less than 5.7, woot woot! I ran just short of a whole mile right at the end and it was challenging. I think tomorrow I''ll remember my sticky note that has my plan on it so I don't get ahead of myself or worse injured from trying to do too much.

Slow Cooker
Okay, in an effort to not use the oven this summer, since it heats up the apartment so much, I've been trying to use the George Foreman and the crock pot more often. Randomly 15 minutes before I had to leave for my class I decided to do bbq ribs in the slow cooker. Here are the pics, I'll let you know how they turn out, hopefully good, until next time. :p

P.S. Blogger won't let me upload photos right now, I'll post them some other time :)


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