Hoping to Run

My research found the running plan mentioned above. Couch to 5K, it's supposed to teach you how to go from being a couch potato, which to call me a couch potato is stretching, to running a full 5K which is 3 miles without stopping, oh how cool it will be to get on the treadmill and run without having to take a break because you feel like your heart is going to pound out of your chest. I do hope, 7 weeks from now that will be me. Anyway, for the few of you that read my blog, I will try to journal my runs, they will probably be small and to the point but it's to document my progress and hopefully keep me accountable as well :)
Today was the first day of my second week, the plan for this week is to warm up for 5 minutes then run for 90 seconds then walk for 2 minutes, alternate this pattern for 20 minutes. I ran 1.81 miles and increased my speed from 5 to 5.7 and I was happy to be feeling it, sweaty and really feeling like I actually worked out, we'll see if I feel anything tomorrow.
Oh you all should know that ultimately I want to have a routine to run say 3 miles 3 times a week, however; the hubby and I plan to do the 1/2 marathon in January, so after this running plan, assuming I'm successful, I will be training for a 1/2 marathon, pray for me, I'm probably gonna need it...Until next time.
