Okay, Let's Try That Again

Well, running this week was a bust. If you've been reading you know how Tuesday went, Friday the hubby slept all day, which I know shouldn't effect my running, however, I didn't get clothes out of our room before he went to bed so it did...Saturday we helped a friend move in our blazing Arizona heat and I just felt too tired from the sun to run. I know excuses, excuses. So I have decided to do week 4 over, so today, Sunday is Week Four, Day 1. Ran 2.17 miles, running speed between 5.5-6.5. I know this is so silly for you avid runners but for me just a beginner it's really exciting! I met my own person goal which was to run the full running required this week, see previous post for my plan, which is to run 1.5 miles of the 2 miles and I did :) Definitely found this run challenging than previous weeks, which is good right? Anyway, this is where I'm at, stay tuned, until next time :p


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