Cloth Diapering

So, I hadn't planned to start cloth diapering yet, however; Being that Maggie is already almost 12 lbs and I'm seeing how much I'm spending on disposables, I decided I would start and so I did, yesterday. The first day went well, then came today. I had a little breakdown today. I only have 4 covers and she had two blowouts first thing this morning back to back, the projectile vomited all over the third so here I am she's wearing the last cover and I'm feeling overwhelmed. Side not here, I thought that cloth diapering had gotten so advanced that barring and explosive diaper the covers would be spared. Ha! Not so much! So feeling discouraged, I phoned my sister in law. Two of my sister in laws cloth diaper and I knew they would be the perfect resources and they were. First of all, I had to adjust my expectations. Apparently, it's normal when they poop for it to get on the cover, now knowing this I can adjust my expectations and go from there. Also, my SIL said...