No Dairy...One Month Stats
As you may have guessed from the picture, I'm giving up dairy. We went to Maggie's one month appointment tonight and per the pediatrician, I'm giving up dairy. Maggie has had some pretty bad crying episodes and also she rears her head back like she is in pain. I love my milk but I love our daughter more and it breaks my heart to think something I'm eating is causing her pain. Prayers would be appreciated as I have a heavy dairy diet and this will be extremely challenging for me. We bought some almond milk, I will update how I like it.
So, Maggie is exclusively breastfed but there must be pure cream in there. Our baby gained 3 lbs in her first month. At birth she was 7-15.5 and at our appointment tonight she was 10-15.5. She is also 22 inches long. She is in 90th % for her weight, ha, what a chunk. Praise God for no concerns on whether she is getting enough :) That's all for now, until next time :0